
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cop Killer Justice, White House vs. Politico, Climate Data Dumped, Obama and Afghan War Approval Drops

1 DEC 2009 ----------

Cop Killer Justice: (Yahoo News/Reuters Photo)

It ended as it should have !

A violent and painful end to this violent and cowardly, cold-blooded murderer.

At least he was permanently stopped by a 50-cent bullet... and us taxpayers won't have to support, feed and coddle this human pile of cop-murdering crap... thus saving hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars over the long run.

His worthless soul will certainly rot in Hell...

and everyone of his friends and family who helped treat and hide this scumbag...
should go straight to jail for a very painfully long time.


White House vs. Politico: (The Atlantic)

The Obama Administration is at it again...

Trying to strong-arm another news media outlet (The Politico website this time) into towing and spouting only the contorted Democratic "party line" news.

Like Fox News being given the cold-shoulder and being mean-mouthed by every Democrat from President Obama on down...

this threat to behave right or else against The Politico only seems to double the research efforts to report unbiased and solid, substantiated stories the next time.

Even a few of the main stream news outlets are beginning to question the White House's versions of some stories... maybe, just maybe, truth in journalistic reporting is making a comeback.

We can only hope to hear the truth and NOT the White House spin !!!


Climate Data Dumped: (London Times Online)

It looks like some scientific people are trying to cover their tracks... by throwing away the original 150 years worth of temperature data that this whole "global warming" scam evolved from.

This is beginning to shape up into the biggest, greediest, most far-reaching extortion and misinformation scheme of our generation.

If they are guilty... take them out and string them up by their thumbs.

They can't just get away with it or just a slap on the wrist !

Nail them to the wall... better yet, lets nail them to a "green" wall.


Obama and Afghan War Approval Drops: (The Washington Post)

And he wonders why his poll numbers are hitting rock bottom.

Tonight President Obama gave a speech to our great nation... and as the so-called Commander In Chief, he proceeded to undercut the Afghan War efforts and our brave soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen serving over there.

By giving General McChrystal only about 70% of the additional troops he has been requesting for over 6 months now, Obama still leaves the Commanding General shorthanded...
without enough troops to really get the "surge" successfully off the ground with the full, decisive impact needed.

And to top it all off, the President then rattles off a time-line for our defeat in the region !!!

Now, all the insurgents need to do is bide their time, send the occasional suicide-bomber or set a few IEDs every now and then and... Poof... when the magic withdrawal dates arrive, our troops will pull up stakes, turn tail and leave the area.

Where is the sense of our military victory, our mission accomplishment and our leaving a strong base of stability in the Afghan countryside when those magic dates arrive and our troops bug out ???

I personally feel that the 35% approval rating for Obama's handling of the Afghan War is WAY over-inflated.

His reluctance, indecision and half-assed supporting of our soldiers and commanders on the ground is abominable... oh, to have a firm and decisive Ronald Reagan-type president again !

Just like James Bond... where are they in real life when you really need them ?


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Climategate, Tiger Woods, Healthcare Debate, Oh Oh (Obama/Oprah)

30 NOV 2009
Wowza !!! I guess I took one hell of a siesta... it's been over a year since I put in my 2-cents-worth on any big earth-shaking events!

I needed a break to relax and go cry in my beer after the "great all-knowing one" was elected to President last November.

And... oh, oh, oh, what a year it has been !

President Obama and his band of hooligans are spending and committing us taxpayers into financial oblivion... and taking the good ol' USA down the tubes right along with us !

Climate-Gate: (Drudge Report)
It looks like Al Gore and most of his "expert" climate scientists have gotten caught playing fast and loose with the so-called "unquestionable, undeniable scientific" weather data.

They were apparently bending, massaging, contorting & distorting the real data temperatures to make them fit into their bogus "global warming man-made disaster" scenarios.

All this in order to scare the Global (especially American) public into paying more for "green energy" whether they wanted to or not.

And now it appears there are emails to outline the lengths they went to in orchestrating and concealing their devious, greedy intentions... their schemes.

And they say Bernie Madoff was a scoundrel and cheat and rightly went to prison...

I would vote on investigating, trying, judging and sentencing all involved (starting with good ol' Al Gore) up to and including handing out actual massive fines AND jail time !!!

Ahhh... if there could only be true justice in this world.

Tiger Woods: (TMZ website)

Well it looks like Tiger is stalling for time... maybe to let his wounds heal up or maybe to come up with a better version of their (his and his wife's) joint story.

Which ever it is... it sounds like a husband and wife argument may have spilled out of the house and into the neighborhood... with a little property damage thrown in.

It is their own personal, marital disagreement for them to handle between themselves... she probably just disagreed with him about his possibly having a girlfriend on the side.

Maybe she just didn't see his side of the argument... so she took a golf club to his new Escalade.

What is there to not understand?

Health-Care Debate: (Inside The Beltway)

I unluckily live in the great State of Illinois ... where our 2 bought-and-sold U.S. senators could care less about constituents who voice anti-health-care bill opinions.

(Poor old Honest Abe Lincoln is probably rolling over in his tomb every time he sees our 2 senators get up and spout their grand plans in D.C. and the ways they waste away our taxpayer dollars every day).

There are so many questions that are NOT being answered (and even avoided or intentionally hidden) in this 2000+ page monstrosity they call a health care reform bill.

- What about excluding federal funding of abortions?
- What about excluding taxpayer-funded hospital treatment for illegal aliens (oh excuse me... "undocumented workers")?
- What about the unconstitutionality of forcing individual American citizens to purchase anything (health insurance for example)?
- What about paying for the health care cost increases that will undoubtedly happen?
- What about proposed reductions in Senior Citizen health programs... such as Medicare/Medicaid?
- What about choosing and/or keeping your own physicians or hospitals?

The list of unanswered and avoided (or dodged) questions goes on and on and on... !!!

STOP ! DON'T let this "Reform" Bill become a jammed-down-our-throats Law of the land !!!
Oh... Oh... It's Obama and Oprah: (Drudge Report)

It's reported that Oprah will wrap up her highly successful talk-show program in 2011... she says she has her eye on moving to her mansion in Mendicino, CA.

Well... it's just MY OWN opinion...
but I think Oprah has her eyes on a different kind of mansion.

Maybe even the Vice-Presidential Mansion in D.C. !!!

What an Administration-saving/boosting ticket that could be !

Obama would first have to hit the ejection-seat-button under Joe Biden's chair, but not too many folks would mind that.

Then, just imagine...
America's most beloved lady talk-show host teaming up with America's "most smartest" elected official ever, President Obama !

A pure Dream Team if ever there was one !
And to make it even more historical, they are both African-Americans (mostly) too boot !

I am just predicting here and now...
Oprah will end her talk-show in 2011 JUST IN TIME to head out on the 2012 campaign trail.

Democrats will have to do something this spectacular (or dastardly as usual) to thwart the evil cloud Sarah Palin (and President Obama's own ineptness and indecision) is casting over the upcoming 2010 and 2012 elections.

God Bless The U.S.A. !!!