
Sunday, October 24, 2010

President Obama Going To Mumbai; Clinton Speaks At Detroit Rally; Google CEO and Street View

24 October 2010

President and Mrs. Obama Plan Trip To Mumbai:
Mumbai, India

This is mind-boggling!

With our jobless rate sky high and our deficit at record highs...
The Presidential "First Couple" are planning to jet over and spend a few days visiting several cultural sites in Mumbai, India.

Now, maybe there are some actual good reasons for making a trip to India at this time... but at such an exorbitant cost to us taxpayers???

We are, of course, not given any specifics about the trip and lodging while there, BUT...
the general info provided, says the President, Michele, and their entire security and traveling entourage will occupy (or at least buy out) the entire 5-star, 570-room Taj Mahal Hotel for a couple nights!

Not only that, but all restaurants, banquet rooms, and conference rooms are bought out, too!

AND... 200+ rooms in a couple other nearby luxury hotels are also rented for this traveling fiasco for several more nights around the Presidential visit time frame!

Now, I'm no travel agent OR math genius OR even an accountant, but... when you start adding all these expenses up... WOW!!!

If you multiply the 570 Taj Mahal Hotel rooms times a cost of $500/night (and I'll bet these 5-star rooms are probably more in the $1,000/night range)... that equals roughly $285,000/night or $570,000 for a 2-night stay!

Then we can throw in another ballpark guess of $200,000+ for the 100-200 other hotel rooms for the security and government aides for the week...

And don't forget all the restaurants and special rooms that were fully booked for the few days, at an estimate of another $100,000+ or more!

And this MILLION DOLLARS is just for their lodging for a few nights!!!

This doesn't include all the travel costs to fly half way around the globe...
all their meals paid for at government per diem rates...
the dozens of vehicles rented for ground transportation, and so on, and so on, and so on...

All on the U.S. taxpayers "dime"!

This visit has got to be pretty darn important:
like heading off the Apocalypse...
or keeping WWIII from starting...
or receiving the final cure for Cancer from some doctor in Mumbai !!!

All I can say is, Wow, it must be nice to be a President or First Lady...
or at least a travel buddy of those two!
Bon Voyage !

Bill Clinton Speaks At H.S. In Detroit:
Detroit, MI

If the bloom hasn't fallen off the flower yet... then it is at least dying on the vine!

There was a lackluster turnout at a Democratic rally in a high school gymnasium in Detroit this past weekend.

The key speaker to energize the crowd was none other than the former President and "big slugger" himself... Bill Clinton !

To illustrate the lack of enthusiasm for the Michigan Democrats, only about 500 supporters came to the rally!

Bill Clinton used to "pack them in" everywhere he went... maybe those days are finally over.

Or... maybe all the Dem supporters are just waiting until they get their chance to see the "other Clinton" come speak... when she does her next run for President in 2012!

Big Bill can only hope the glory days will come back to him then!


Street View Comments From Google CEO:
Google HQ

Google CEO, Eric Schmidt doesn't quite know how to "win friends and influence people" yet!

When asked about the privacy concerns associated with Google Street View projects around the world (especially Britain lately)...

he smarted off to an interviewer by saying that people should just move from their houses if they don't like Google putting pix of their houses on the Google program!

Google just recently apologized for "accidentally" picking up emails and computer passwords from homes in Britain... this was done with strong antennas as passing Street View vehicles gathered pictures for their programs.

It sounds pretty much like "Big Brother" is getting close!

Maybe Google needs to back off a while... and show some regard for individual privacy concerns... especially when their worries turn out to be substantiated!!!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Restrictive Troop Rules of Engagement; Recruiters Must accept Gay Applicants; and Republicans Want "Witch" Pelosi Out

19 October 2010

U.S. Troops And Restrictive Rules Of Engagement; Plus Taliban Talks:

Kandahar, Afghanistan

Don't handcuff our Troops!

Don't give them dangerous, thankless missions and then put barriers up that will only endanger their lives and throttle their conduct of the war!

They must be allowed to aggressively protect and defend themselves, and the Afghanistan citizens, while still performing enemy-elimination missions wherever possible.

Give them their mission "marching orders"... then get out of the way and let them "march"!

Give them the leeway to use only the force necessary to accomplish their missions... but, at least give them the ability to judge the situation and then apply the reaction force needed.

Also, don't sell this war down the river with backroom talks with the Taliban enemy!

This murderous, cutthroat enemy... the Taliban... will only talk if it is to their great advantage.

They cannot be trusted and would rather cut the throats of our troops as to sit down and discuss peace in Afghanistan.

Any agreements made with the Taliban, will be broken as soon as, if not before, our forces ever leave the country.

Don't cut deals with murderers!


Military Recruiters Must Accept Gay Applicants:
Pentagon Release

John Wayne is probably rolling over in his grave tonight!

Openly announcing to all in the military that you are a practicing homosexual... will open so many "cans of worms" for physical violence, mental cruelty, and litigation cases, it won't be funny.

This will be a very dark day, and a very confusing day, for our current soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.

An openly gay lifestyle and mindset will only raise tensions and complicate things in the combat foxhole.

Put the openness "back in the closet" and stop worrying about who is screwing who and in which ways.


Republicans Target "Witch" Pelosi In This Election:
United States

Republicans want her out as Chairperson of the House of Representatives!

They are pushing an intense "Fire Pelosi" campaign... which means voters need to vote Republican on November 2 and win many House seats that are up for re-election... this will essentially knock Nancy Pelosi out of her powerful Speaker of the House position.

Republicans will remind all voters that Pelosi was instrumental in strong-arming and shady backroom deals that helped ram many unpopular, unwanted bills through the House (and cram them down our throats): the failed stimulus spending bill, the Obamacare bill, a climate change bill, and a Wall Street reform bill.

And how will she pay for it all? Tax and spend, baby! Tax and spend!

To Republicans... I say good luck.
To Nancy Pelosi... I say good riddance!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

NYC Screws Up Soldier Absentee Ballots Overseas. China Buys Into Texas Oil and Gas Fields. Hillary Clinton Sits Out This Election

12 Oct 2010

NYC Ballot Screw Up For Soldiers Overseas:
New York, NY


Why can't the great liberal, Democratic State of New York get their crap together...

at least enough to ensure that our valiant servicemen overseas get their Constitutionally protected right to vote in our elections back home in the U.S.?

The real emphasis, with only 21 days left till the election, should be to 1) get the absentee ballots in the hands of those service members ASAP, and most importantly, 2) that their completed ballots are collected, protected, AND counted in this election's results.

If I had to guess... I would say the Democrats are foot-dragging because they feel the military does NOT usually vote Democrat and especially with the anti-military-leaning Dems in control of the Congressional pursestrings... and the Dems' sluggish misdirection of the war efforts in Afghanistan.

Let the generals make the war plans... then let them work their war plans... while Congress supports those war plans with necessary troops and funding.

In other words, join to support the ranks and follow them... or get the hell out of their way so they can win this war and bring our troops home sooner rather than later!!!

BUT... first things first... let their votes count and be heard in the 2 Nov 2010 election!


China Buys Into Stake of South Texas Oil and Gas:
Houston, TX

What is our 'brilliant' government thinking?

Are we so desperate for money that we are agreeing to sell stakes of our strategic American supply of oil and natural gas to the communist Chinese?

They are buying a one-third stake into drilling the huge Chesapeake Energy holdings in south Texas... and there is no government or public uproar?

How many oil or natural gas drilling rigs do U.S. companies have in mainland China?
None, I bet.

How many copper, silver, or uranium mines do U.S. companies have in mainland China?
None, I bet.

So WHY the hell is a communist, competitive country like China being allowed to come into our country and literally suck our own American crude oil and natural gas out from under our feet???

This is unbelievable to me.

Maybe it's a sign of our rough, economic times...

or maybe a sign, we need jobs so badly, that Americans will sell the very soul of our strategic assets to get more jobs...

nah, I think it's a sign of the President Obama agenda to socialize, weaken, and sellout America to his highest bidders... communist or otherwise!

This is the beginning of a slippery-slope we may come to regret in the long run!!!


Hillary Is Sitting This Election Out:
Somewhere on the other side of the world

Oooooh, she is a sly one.

Hillary is laying low on the other side of the globe... and acting kinda like a Secretary of State during this mudslinging and often 'bloody and bruising' midterm election season.

By laying low she dodges all the arrows, barbs and mudpies being thrown around D.C. and across the country.

This 'nose to the grindstone' blinder approach also protects her mostly-positive 'favorability rating' among voters... which could pay dividends if she runs with Obama as V.P. (or even against a vulnerable Obama in 2012 for the Presidential nomination).

Now, Hillary being overseas doesn't stop good ol' Bill Clinton from helping sling some mud and manure out on the campaign trails for his beloved Democrats. He loves it... he gets to be in the limelight again... he gets to bash Republicans... and all the while, scouting the crowds for nice, compassionate intern-wannabees.

We'll get a taste of what Hillary has on her mind when the devastation is over in November.

Just maybe she has visions of swooping in like a modern day Joan-of-Arc to resurrect the Democratic Party after Obama's control of both houses of Congress is shattered.

I can't wait to see how she plays her hand of cards she's been holding over Obama!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Congress Staffers Gain on Green Stock Bets; Brett Favre Apologizes to Vikings; A Michelangelo In Buffalo; Seniors Get No Social Security Raise

11 Oct 2010

Congressional Staffers Make Big Gains On 'Green' Stock Bets:
Washington, D.C.

Well, isn't that just peachy keen!
It doesn't sound like much of a risky business bet to me either.

I guess all it takes is a savvy Congressional staffer to lay out a pile of cash to bet on the stock of what ever companies their Congressman or Senator boss is supporting legislation for... and Presto... the stock price magically goes UP!!!

Wow, that's a nice 'insider' gig if you can get it.

Too bad the Congressmen and their staffers don't let us little guys in on what companies they will push for... we might be able to magically double our money in a short time, too!

These staffers are apparently just 'bigger crook wannabees'... give them a little more time and practice and maybe they'll be right up there with their bosses... eh, Senator Harry Reid?


Brett Favre Apologizes To His Team For Scandal Distraction:
Minnesota Vikings

Is there going to be any 'fire' behind these 'smoking hot' girls' allegations of steamy lewd photos and masseuse seductions?

Brett has apologized to his teammates for the distraction this scandal is causing in the media... but he hasn't quite fully and straight-forwardly come out and denied all the accusations yet either!

Just like Tiger Woods' deep fall from grace with the sporting public... you hate to see an icon and heroic football role model suffer the same fate.

BUT... IF it turns out to be all or mostly true... come on guys ---
can't you just leave your pants on and go hire a DISCREET bombshell hooker for a $1,000-per-night fling to get it out of your system???

WHY be a sex-blinded dummy and risk your family, your career, and your reputation just for a few rolls in the hay?

When you are as rich as these big sports icons, you can have the best and sexiest girls money can buy... so why be stupid and hang your 'wienie" out where some sleazy media guy will gladly come along and help you chop it off for you?

Brett... we just hope it ain't so!!!


A Michelangelo Found Behind A Couch:
Buffalo, NY

I must be living wrong... or my Karma is against me... all I find behind my couch are candy wrappers, dust bunnies and the TV remote!

Kudos and congrats to that family! They were literally sitting on (or beside) an original, unfinished Michelangelo painting of the Pieta, a Madonna with Jesus painting... valued at possibly 300 million dollars!!!

It hung on the family wall for many years until hit by a tennis ball as family kids played inside. They wrapped it up and sorta forgot about it behind the couch.

Recent inquiries and professional evaluations are pretty much declaring this to be a "lost Pieta" done by Michelangelo in 1545!

Wowza... what a way to end the 2010 year for that family!
(Maybe it's not too late for them to adopt me.)


Senior Citizens Get No Social Security Raise in 2010, AGAIN:

Lookout Democrats... and the rest of you in Congress on all sides of the aisle!

You have just pissed off 58 million Senior Citizens by NOT giving any social security income increase for a second year in a row!!!

It's not nice to poke this sleeping giant of the gray-haired demographic.

Many of them live only on that monthly paycheck... and all other costs seem to continue going up in price: food, housing, gasoline, insurances, and on and on!

It seems Congress can certainly find a way to get their own big, annual 'automatic' pay raises... why couldn't they squeeze out (or use a 'bail out' for) a measly 1 or 2 percent increase in social security?

They (our beloved Congressmen and Senators) throw away, donate, waste and/or spend billions of dollars for thousands of earmark projects.

WHY NOT spend some money on these 58 million needy Americans who helped build and keep America the greatest country in the World???

*** Vote this current bunch of bums out in November... maybe that will finally get somebody's attention in Washington, DC. ***


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trapped Miners in Chile; Harry Reid is Starting To Sweat; Date Rape Overdoses; UFOs over China

10 Oct 2010...

"Trapped Miners in Chile":
San Jose Mine, Chile

It's great to start the day off with good news for a change... the escape hole punched thru to the 33 miners trapped 2,000 feet below the surface - this is a full 2 months sooner than anyone ever expected!!!

The miners will probably start being rescued sometime around next Wednesday. It will take quite a while to get them all out 1 at a time, each riding that 2,000 feet up in a small escape capsule. A paramedic is planned to go down into the chamber the men are trapped in when the rescue capsule is first lowered; to give first aid and initial relief.

Although they have suffered for a couple months being trapped down there, everyone is relatively healthy and they have become sort of local heroes in their country. Apparently book, television and maybe even movie deals are rumored in the works.

Godspeed and a safe return is wished for all the trapped miners and their tireless rescuers.


"Harry Reid Is Getting Nervous!"
Democrat HQ, Nevada

What's the matter with Harry?
Is he starting to sweat yet?
Is he showing any regret yet?
Is he worried about the polls yet?

The numbers are starting to go more consistently AGAINST him... and FOR his Senate-seat challenger Sharron Angle!

Just maybe Harry Reid, the current (for a short time more) Senate Majority Leader, is starting to see the blood writing on the wall... and it doesn't look good to him. He is throwing up millions of dollars in ad money to wage a negative, mudslinging campaign against Ms. Angle... since he has nothing to brag about of good substance for his own actual deeds.

Looks like all the jamming-down-our-throats and backroom arm-twisting to force expensive deals and bills through is going to finally catch up to Mr. Reid and dozens of his fellow Democrat henchmen.

3 November can't get here soon enough for us down-trodden taxpayers... who are going to vote da bums OUT!!!


"Dozens of Freshmen Have Date Rape Overdoses"
Central Washington University, Washington

Dozens of young college Freshmen, nearly 30 girls (and even a few guys), were treated at the hospital for an overdose of an unknown drug (probably roofies) that was spiked in their drinks at a college party this weekend!

No suspects are arrested yet... but, they deserve the worst of what is coming to them.

If you can't get a girl any other way... well, you are always going to be such a creepy "loser" the rest of your life.

And the way you spiked everybody's drinks was VERY dangerous and cowardly!!!

A true loser to the end... I hope they throw the key away to your jail cell once they catch and convict you!

Oh, but wait, there is a silver lining in this jail-time situation for you...

at least you will get PLENTY of ready-and-willing "sex dates" for your young butt while you're in the slammer... and you won't even need a date-rape drug!!!


"UFOs Buzzing Around China?"
Inner Mongolia, China

Look... up in the sky! It's a Bird... no, it's a Plane... No, it's a flock of UFOs buzzing around the night skies of China!!!

What is up with that? What does China have that we don't have? We want some UFOs too!

This recent sighting caused several airliners to be diverted to other airports and even closed the local airport for an hour or so... but, aren't the Chinese officials a little bit worried or maybe even a little bit curious?

This was the 8th time since June 2010 for UFO encounters over Chinese airspace... and no real apparent concerns!

Something must be up the sleeves of those tricky Chinese communists... but why can't they hide their experimental planes a little better and stop scaring their locals.

We better keep an eye on those rascals... they are up to something... maybe an alien resort or spa... or maybe a hot new alien vacation destination!!!
