U.S. Troops And Restrictive Rules Of Engagement; Plus Taliban Talks:
Kandahar, Afghanistan
Don't handcuff our Troops!
Don't give them dangerous, thankless missions and then put barriers up that will only endanger their lives and throttle their conduct of the war!
They must be allowed to aggressively protect and defend themselves, and the Afghanistan citizens, while still performing enemy-elimination missions wherever possible.
Give them their mission "marching orders"... then get out of the way and let them "march"!
Give them the leeway to use only the force necessary to accomplish their missions... but, at least give them the ability to judge the situation and then apply the reaction force needed.
Also, don't sell this war down the river with backroom talks with the Taliban enemy!
This murderous, cutthroat enemy... the Taliban... will only talk if it is to their great advantage.
They cannot be trusted and would rather cut the throats of our troops as to sit down and discuss peace in Afghanistan.
Any agreements made with the Taliban, will be broken as soon as, if not before, our forces ever leave the country.
Don't cut deals with murderers!
Military Recruiters Must Accept Gay Applicants:
Pentagon Release
John Wayne is probably rolling over in his grave tonight!
Openly announcing to all in the military that you are a practicing homosexual... will open so many "cans of worms" for physical violence, mental cruelty, and litigation cases, it won't be funny.
This will be a very dark day, and a very confusing day, for our current soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.
An openly gay lifestyle and mindset will only raise tensions and complicate things in the combat foxhole.
Put the openness "back in the closet" and stop worrying about who is screwing who and in which ways.
Republicans Target "Witch" Pelosi In This Election:
United States
Republicans want her out as Chairperson of the House of Representatives!
They are pushing an intense "Fire Pelosi" campaign... which means voters need to vote Republican on November 2 and win many House seats that are up for re-election... this will essentially knock Nancy Pelosi out of her powerful Speaker of the House position.
Republicans will remind all voters that Pelosi was instrumental in strong-arming and shady backroom deals that helped ram many unpopular, unwanted bills through the House (and cram them down our throats): the failed stimulus spending bill, the Obamacare bill, a climate change bill, and a Wall Street reform bill.
And how will she pay for it all? Tax and spend, baby! Tax and spend!
To Republicans... I say good luck.
To Nancy Pelosi... I say good riddance!
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