
Friday, September 16, 2011

NASA & Chicken Little; Hillary Clinton; and US Post Office

16 September 2011:

NASA Debris To Fall To Earth Soon:
Washington, DC

Maybe we need to drive around in one of the old Army tanks like the one shown above for the next couple of weeks!

To quote a famous little bird:

Chicken Little said, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

Sorta true... a school bus-sized hunk of extinct space satellite will fall to Earth on or about 23 SEP 2011... while breaking into about 26 firy chunks of metal.

NASA reassures us that the odds of some debris hitting a person on the ground are about 3,200-to-1... about the same as some little lotto drawing wins... and nobody ever wins those, right ?

So, keep your heads down and your eyes open... and go check out that Army tank just in case.


Hillary Gets A Favorable Polling:

Uh-Oh... last week's Bloomberg Poll shows Hillary Clinton, the current Secretary of State for Obama, received a nearly 65% favorable rating in general.

This is up quite a bit from last year's poll rating of about 50% favorable rating.

With President Obama's approval ratings at about 45% (and declining), he better watch his Democratic back.

You never know when the DNC just might want to work a history-making "trade-in"...
trade in the first Black President and pick up the first Woman President !


U.S. Postal Service Has Troubles:
Washington, DC

With stamped mail volume and sales down by nearly 36% in the past 5 years, the US Postal Service is facing default.

They are at or near their borrowing ceiling limit... and they have a giant bill payment due in a few weeks... that they can't make the payment on.

The USPS is facing the closure of hundreds of facilities, the reduction in days of delivery, and the slashing of up to 35,000 postal employees.

Of course, the Unions and the Democrats are screaming for Federal "Bailout" money... while Republicans are telling the USPS to trim down and cut costs to make their payment obligations.

I say... the USPS (and all government agencies) need to start running their offices like we have to run our home budgets... with our spending (outflow) being less than our income (inflow)!

Then, maybe... we might look at a temporary, small scale bailout... but not till cuts take place.

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