
Monday, September 29, 2008

29 SEP 2008... My Comments on a Few Concerns

(Drudge Report... 29 SEP 2008)

It looks like Nancy Pelosi overloaded her mouth with a big helping of foot this morning! She gave a great, inspiring speech on the floor of the House which tried to put her version of the Democrat spin in the House record books as the usual "it's all Republicans' fault and we blameless Democrats are here to save you"... it was Bullcrap when she said it, it was Bullcrap when GOP members heard it, and it turned the whole stock market to Bullcrap when GOP members and fairminded Democrats threw the Bailout Bill back in her face. Great Job again Nancy "Miss Not-For-America" Pelosi.

- John McCain Fails To Deliver GOP Votes !
(Daily KOS... 29 SEP 2008)

Since when is it any single Senator's duty to sway all others to vote a certain way... if that was the case, then the great "savior of all saviors" Senator from the (politically and fiscally screwed up) State of Illinois ...(I can say this because I unfortunately live in Illinois---home of Sen. Obama/Gov. Blagojevich/Tony Rezko/Rev. Wright/Bill "bomber" Ayers/Rev. Jackson/etc.)... should have waved his hand over them all and convinced/led them all to see the light of his way! Why no mention of the 90+ Democrats who voted against the Bailout that Barack Obama "Failed To Deliver"???

- More Than 1,100 Arrested In CAL Immigration Sweep
( 29 SEP 2008)

It took 3 weeks to round up that many... it is a start... a small start... but a start in the right direction anyway! With an estimated 12,000 - 20,000 illegally crossing our southern States' borders back and forth... DAILY... it's a step on the right road to securing our border. Now go round up another 1,100 in California... and 1,100 in Arizona... and 1,100 in New Mexico... and 1,100 in Texas... and 1,100 in New York... and 1,100 in Illinois... and 1,100 in Florida... and 1,100 in ... (well, you get the picture). Keep up the good work ICE! Make them come here LEGALLY !

- "Low Expectations" Set For Palin
( 29 SEP 2008)

Gov. Mitt Romney feels that the McCain camp is downplaying the Sarah Palin matchup for Thursday night's VP candidates debate. Romney urges the McCain handlers to let her go out to more interviews and just be herself more... if she flubs once in a while then it's not such a big deal... just let her meet the American people. Now he is making sense... Gov. Palin should not worry about how well Sen. Biden does in debates. She needs to just reply to questions using her own words, beliefs, goals and convictions... let America see that she is much more like the tens of thousands of America-loving "middle Americans" than either of the Democratic candidates. Gov. Romney was correct that she should also give more public appearances... BUT... I see no need at all in gracing the studios of such places as CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, the Couric Show, The View, Oprah's Show, Letterman's Show, etc.... those are just Republican-despisers and hatefilled arenas that try to belittle, disrespect, twist, roast, edit and misrepresent anything she or Sen. McCain try to get across to their audiences. Stay with large crowds of general public audiences (nowhere close to Hollywood, CA) and let them know what Gov Palin/Sen. McCain plan to do for America once elected. Gov. Palin is a true asset to the ticket... we all need some fresh ideas, faces and visions to regain our future path as a great, patriotic, and democratic nation.

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