
Friday, October 10, 2008

10 OCT 2008... Bush, Carter, ACORN, Obama, Voter Fraud, Hillary Clinton, Gay Marriage, Judges, Earn Money With Website Ads

Ex-President Carter Slams Bush On Market Crisis.
10 OCT 2008, (Reuters)

Gaawww-lee, if'n it ain't the (good ol' boy, Georgia crack-) pot calling the kettle black!

Jimmy Carter, one of the worst and weakest Presidents in our history... a one-termer at that... has the nerve to stand up and throw stones at some other President's economic policies!

Carter governed over us when there was double-digit inflation, double-digit mortgage rates, heating fuel crises, long gasoline fillup lines, and the infamous 444-day long Iranian hostage mess (that Reagan had to clean up).

I just stop listening as soon as I hear the words "Jimmy Carter says..."
He has become an ill-tempered, extremely Democrat-biased, and all around rude individual that should show more public decorum and restraint when discussing the policies and decisions of sitting Presidents.

He needs to go back to building the charity homes (Habitat For Humanity) and try to salvage some shreds of a legasy and respect for his brief time in the Presidency.

Local 2 Investigates Dead Voters.
10 OCT 2008, (

There are several articles similar to this one across the country:

- Harris County, TX (includes Houston) finds 4,000+ names of dead people... recently registered to vote.
- 1 Voter, 72 Registrations (NY Post)
- Missouri Officials Suspect Fake Voter Registrations (Yahoo News)
- In Bridgeport, CT a 7-yr-old girl was approached to register to vote

We are shaping up for a BIG MESS come election day if more of these allegations and investigations turn out to be mostly true! This developing scandal and predicament could rattle the very supports of our free-election system in America!

If these fraudulent and felonious actions are substantiated, it could cause EVERY STATE to question the authenticity of all registered voters.

IF we thought the drawn-out, time consuming, agitating, divisive, nerve-wracking fiasco of the "Hanging Chads" was intolerable...

JUST WAIT till EVERY voter --- in EVERY county --- in EVERY state has to be meticulously, systematically verified (then double-verified) by official documentation before the vote can be counted !!!

The political and legal challenges to the 2000 Bush/Gore election will look like a stroll through Mr. Roger's Neighborhood... compared to the nation-wide uproar we will face if this ACORN and Obama campaign "mass-registration" stuff turns out to be illegal and fraudulent.

Hold on to your seats everybody!

Hey... I just wonder what ol' Hillary Clinton has to say about all this? If a bunch of the Primary voter registrations might have been "fraudulent"...
maybe, just MAYBE, Hillary got screwed over by illegal voting in some of the heavily-canvassed, ACORN and Obama campaign, mass-voter-registration states.

It coulda happened!!! Maybe she outa check into it!

Connecticut High Court Rules Gay Couples Can Marry.
10 OCT 2008, (

Well, that makes 3 States... California, Massachusetts, and Connecticut... that are giving their gay residents the "right" to get married. So be it.

Although the vast majority of residents in those States do not agree with "gay Marriage"... the court justices have taken it upon themselves to legislate new "laws" from their court benches.

Legislators beware... you are losing control of the Judicial branch.
When voters say "no"... BUT the judges override them with "yes"... look out for the further decline of our American morals.

All hail the judges!

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